2012 North Americans

Where: Port Ludlow
When: August 25th & 26th
What to do now: Reserve your slip at Port Ludlow Marina- (800) 308-7991. Mention that you are part of the Puget Sound Six Meter Assoc. If you are bringing a mother ship or other escort vessel, let them know that as well.
Places to stay:
Inn at Port Ludlow
-(360) 437 2222 (walking distance to harbor)
Many places in Port Townsend (about 20 minutes away)

Dinner on Saturday night will be catered at the resort. It is important that we get a head count as soon as possible so that we can plan for enough food.
Send your headcount to Adam Henley ASAP.

Modern entries:
USA 100 St. Francis V
USA 107 Frenzy
USA 112 St. Francis VII
USA 119 Sockeye
USA 123 Finnegan
USA 126 Pacemaker

US 73 Saga
US 81 Goose
US 87 May Be VII
US 90 Fokus3
US 96 Hanko
KC 19 Saskia II
KC 10 Ca Va

Other Possible attendees: Arunga, Lulu, Challenge.